Clients have said they want me to “think outside the box” and market their uniqueness – but they have no idea what makes them stand apart from their competitors. They know their customers are happy but they don’t have a good grasp on what they are doing to earn their repeat business.
So how do you find the basis for a new marketing campaign that really makes you stand out from the crowd? It’s simple…ask your current customers.
You can either mail a short survey letter through the post office and perhaps offer a free giveaway if they drop it off within a particular time period, or send them an email survey from It’s quick and it’s free.
Think of a few short questions that don’t take a lot of time to answer, such as:
- Approximately how often do you visit ABC Store?
- How helpful do you find the staff at ABC Store?
- Describe your best experience at ABC Store?
- What is the main reason you return to shop at ABC Store?
- Would you recommend ABC Store to your friends and family?
Don’t forget to ask permission to use their comments, along with their full name, as a testimonial on your Web site or in brochures. In this way, you’re not only getting the basis for a new marketing campaign, you’re getting testimonials to prove how well you do business.