Susan Regier’s Blog

Marketing Strategies that Work!

Are You Promoting on Platitudes?

When it comes to writing your advertisements, your Web site, brochures or whatever method you use to promote your business, are you keeping in line with what your competitors are saying…or are you standing out from the crowd?

Many people believe that using the same dreary words and phrases that everyone else uses – that really are meaningless – is the way to go. You see promotions that include:

  • Lowest price
  • Best service
  • Highest quality
  • Most professional
  • Largest selection
  • Family owned
  • Most reliable
  • In business for 50 years

    These are platitudes. You can switch your competitor’s name for your company name and the ad could still make sense…at least from your prospect’s perspective. There is no defining message on why they should buy from you.

    What makes your business stand out from the crowd? If you believe you offer the best service in town, what makes this so? What is it that you do that gives your clients the experience of the best service?

    Look at your products and services through your customers’ eyes. Maybe you have to ask them why they do business with you. The answers could surprise you – and give you a heads up on a new way to market.

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    Susan Regier, owner of Vantage One Writing, is an in-demand copywriter, marketing strategist, and business breakthrough specialist to ambitious entrepreneurs who want to have a profitable business they are passionate about. She has the uncanny ability to find the hidden gems in a business that can ignite sales and profits for her clients. Claim your free guide: 15 Tips to Increase Your Influence, Attract More Clients & Make More Money at

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