I launched, sold, created, and delivered (in that order) my Story Works program – a fabulous four-part Webinar series that helped everyone on the calls create an emotional connection online as strong, or stronger, as they do face to face. Here’s how you can get out of your own way to get your informational products out of your head and into your shopping cart.
Years ago, I would take months to create a one day workshop before getting around to selling it. Why did it take me so long to put it together? Because I ALWAYS let other things get in my way, such as client work. Yes, client work pays the bills – but so do my workshops! I would schedule time in my calendar to write the content for my workshop but when a client called asking me to write their Web site content I’d jump and do it right away. Meanwhile, my plans were continually being put on hold.
Finally, I realized that if I sold the program or the product first, then I had to stick to my timeline and create it.
So here’s what I now do in 5 easy steps:
Step 1: Outline the key benefits I want my clients to take away.
Step 2: Decide how and when to deliver it (live workshop, Webinar, ebook, audio, etc.).
Step 3: Name it, price it, and write the promotions.
Step 4: Sell it.
Step 5: Create it.
When I see the orders coming in, and know that I have to present the material in two weeks, for example, I don’t let anything else get in the way. Behind the scenes with Story Works, I was working on the content for the calls only days before each call took place. At times, I was fine-tuning the content that morning. But everything got done on time and I now have a product that I can sell in my shopping cart over and over without any further effort on my part.
The biggest point to remember is this: It doesn’t have to be perfect…it just needs to get done.
Letting other things get in the way is a form of procrastination. And so is perfection. Create a deadline that you can’t put off – that means sell it so you have to deliver it on time…and you will make it happen!