You’ve heard it before – stress the benefits your client receives from using your product or service. Make a connection so they can relate to you and understand how great they’ll feel by buying from you.
But too often, I’ve seen marketing messages go so deep into the benefits they lose the sale. The prospect thinks this can’t relate to them.
Consider your ideal client. What is she looking for? If she knows nothing about you and your business, what is she typing into Google to find you?
Let me give you an example. If you were a coach or a healer, you may share the deeper benefits your client will realize after working with you, such as improved self esteem, a better relationship with a spouse or children, clarity about the field of work she’s best suited for. But the client is not considering these things at all. In fact, she believes her problem is that she does not get along with co-workers.
Now you know this is the surface issue and it goes much deeper (at least in this example). And you know that you are going to help her work on those deeper issues…but she doesn’t know that – and probably won’t relate to it in the beginning.
When you write your marketing messages, what is it that your ideal client is searching for? Use that information wisely. It doesn’t matter what you want to tell them if they don’t know it applies to them.
When you’re considering the key words that someone would use to search for you, remember it comes from the client’s point of view – which is not always the same as yours. Go back to the basics.
The key is to make a connection on their terms…the rest will naturally fall into place.
Susan Regier’s Blog
Marketing Strategies that Work!
Is Your Marketing Message Too Deep?
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Susan Regier, owner of Vantage One Writing, is an in-demand copywriter, marketing strategist, and business breakthrough specialist to ambitious entrepreneurs who want to have a profitable business they are passionate about. She has the uncanny ability to find the hidden gems in a business that can ignite sales and profits for her clients. Get your free guide: 12 Proven Tactics to Increase Influence & Revenue at