I want you to take a few minutes and think about the response you give (during a conversation, on your Web site, or in your advertisements) to why people should do business with you and not your competition.
I attended a networking breakfast meeting recently and was astounded at the number of “reasons” that were mentioned in introductions. They included (and yes, these were actually said):
“I know everyone says this, but we really do give the best service.”
“We are completely financially sound – we even own the building.”
“Read the back of my business card…it lists everything we do.”
Now when you hear (or read) these lines, what are you thinking? Do they make you want to find out more? Or are you drifting off to other things going on in your world?
Here’s a test. Take a hard look at your message. If you replaced your company name with your competitor’s, does it still make sense? If so, you are on common ground – and that is not where you want to be! You may believe you give the best service, but hey, so does everyone else. What is it about your service that is different? (And please don’t answer with “fast, on time delivery,” after all, it should be.)
What are your potential clients looking for? What keeps them up at night regarding your product or service? Format your solution into the message. What questions or complaints do you hear over and over? Tackle their issues up front and they’ll notice – and you’ll stand out.
Susan Regier’s Blog
Marketing Strategies that Work!
Do You Stand Out…or Are You Being Left Behind?
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Susan Regier, owner of Vantage One Writing, is an in-demand copywriter, marketing strategist, and business breakthrough specialist to ambitious entrepreneurs who want to have a profitable business they are passionate about. She has the uncanny ability to find the hidden gems in a business that can ignite sales and profits for her clients. Get your free guide: 12 Proven Tactics to Increase Influence & Revenue at SusanRegier.com.